



The DONT and Cappeletti conventions are Notrump interference bids. The difference is that the Cappeletti convention allows penalty double, DONT doesn't.

Cappelletti convention is used for competing against opponents openining NT bid. Please find below Cappelletti overcalls:

Opponent's Opening Bid Your Overcall (CAPP) Meaning of Your Overcall
1NT Double Penalty. Strong hand 16-18 points. 
1NT 2 Promises 1 suited hand.  Responder responds with 2D.
1NT 2 Promises both majors. 
Responder bids major of preference..
1NT 2 Promises hearts and an unspecified minor. 
If responder likes hearts he can pass, otherwise bid 2NT to ask partner to bid her minor .
1NT 2 Promises spades and an unspecified minor. 
If responder likes spades he can pass, otherwise bid 2NT to ask partner to bid her minor .


A 5 3 2
 Q 9 7
7 2
Q 7 6 4

9 8 6
K 6 4 3  
Q 6
J 9 3 2

K Q 10 4
 A 10 8 2
K 4 3
A 10

J 7
J 5
A J 10 9 8 5  
K 8 5 

East opens 1NT,  South bids 2 show his one-suited hand.