Don't Ignore Defensive Techniques |
Cappadocia Dear Players, Uppercut is a
hard term for a soft game like bridge. So I propose to
change uppercut as "Cappadocian Coup" dedicated to the people who need defense.. |
For a successful uppercut, both defenders must realize that they need an uppercut to defeat the contract. As you noticed, West (whose trump will be promoted) did not lead Q in the third round. Because his partner might not ruff a master. East (who uppercuts) played his high trump. If he played 2 declarer would overuff with 3. And declarer's high trumps would not be effectively knocked out promoting an extra trick for West.. Also, defenders must cash all their winners before attempting to an uppercut. Otherwise, declarer can discard one of his losers instead of overruffing and uppercut fails. For a successful uppercut: 1- Defenders must cash side suit winners before attempting an uppercut, 2- Defender must uppercut with a high trump, 3- Defender who leads a card which will be trumped, must lead a low card.. If it is a master, his partner can discard (forgetting uppercut)a card instead of trumping.. |