Turn back to Bridge7
Bridge7 uses five-card majors style:
Suitable for SAYC (The main difference is:
We use natural NT bids with balanced hands after a minor opening :
1C-2NT shows 11-12 pts,
1C-3NT shows 13-15 pts
In competitive auction, jump raises are preemptive, cuebid & rdbl shows strength
Hand Evaluation:
1- NT bids evaluated by HCP-High Card Points,
2- New suit bids evaluated by LENGTH Points: Add one point for each additonal card on 4th card.
3- When supporting partner we evaluate our hands with DUMMY Points: Void=5, singleton=3,dblton=1 point
13 points to open. For preemptive openings you may have lesser points.
5 or more cards in major for opening in majors. If you don't have a 5-card major, open your longest minor.
If the lengths of minors are equal, in case of 3-3, open clubs, otherwise open diamonds (higher ranked minor)
6 or more cards with top two honors in any suit, and less than 13 points, you may open to prevent your opponents from making a good contract. This kind of openings are called preemptive openings. 2 and any higher suit bid is preemptive.
Open 2 if you have 22+ points to show your strength to your partner.
Your points are limited for notrump openings. You need 15-17 points for 1 NT, 20-21 for 2 NT..
You can also open 22 with 25-27 points. So 3NT opening bid is reserved for showing a four-level pre-empt in an unspecified minor....
If you are in a borderline situation (11-12 Points) in first chair , use Rule of 20: "Add your HCP and the number of cards in your two longest suits. If the total is 20 or more open the biding. If the total is less than 20 then pass"
If you are in a borderline situation in forth chair use below Rule of 15:
"Add your HCP to the number of spades in your hand. If the total is 15 or more you can open the bidding. If the total is less than 15, don't open the
Single Raise(6-10)
Jump Raise(11-12)
Game Raise(13-15)
(If you have support and need forcing to game you can not jump to four level directly..
Because, the standard meaning of a jump to 4 of major 1 -4 is a preemptive raise.)
Single Raise(6-10)
Jump Raise(11-12)
Game Raise(Do not raise to game an opening bid. Look for 3NT!)
With 0-7HCP balanced=Pass
With 0-7HCP unbalanced=Transfer&Pass
With 8-9HCP balanced=2NT
With 8+HCP unbalanced=Transfer,stayman
New Suit is Forcing,
2NT asks how good a hand.
If you are responding to a preemptive opening, you'd better count the winning
tricks rather than high card points.
1NT 6-10 points
2NT 11-12 points
3NT 13-15 points
A new suit response is forcing@
A two-level response by an unpassed hand promises a second bid unless opener rebids 2NT..
If responder bids a new suit at the two level, the partnership is forced to at least 2NT.
A bid below 2NT is forcing partner must bid again.
Opener's Rebids:
With 13-15 points-a minimum hand-
Rebidding notrump at the cheapest available level
Raising responder's suit at the cheapest level
Rebidding a new suit (but not reversing);
Rebid your -opening- suit at the lowest level.
With 16-18 points -a mediumm hand-
Jump Rebid your -opening- suit.
Reverse in a new suit
Non-reverse bid in a new suit (this has the wide range of 13-18 points).
With 19-21 points-a maximum hand-
Double jump raise responder's suit..
Jump to game if responder's suit is a major.
Double jump rebid your -opening- suit.
Responder's Rebids
With 6-10 points-a minimum hand-
Rebid 1NT
Rebid/raise a previously mentioned suit to the two level
With 11-12 points -a mediumm hand-
Rebid 2NT
Rebid (or jump raise) a previously mentioned suit to the three level
With 13 or more points-a maximum hand-
Bid game if you know what game to bid
Bid a new suit if you dont know what game to bid
In our convention 4th Suit is forcing Game
You may rebid your suit with 6 cards.
Opposite a NT rebid by opener, responder can rebid a five-card suit.
Opposite a suit rebid by opener, responder promises six cards:
Partner You
1 1
1NT 2 = 5-8 hcp, five or sixcard hearts, sign off
3 = 9-11 hcp, six card hearts, invitational
4 = 12+hcp, six card hearts, game forcing
If responder has five-card major suit with invitational or better hand, he/she uses NMF below
NMF (New Minor Forcing):
When opener opens the bid with 1 of a minor and responder bids 1 of a major;
if opener rebids 1 NT, responder's bid of other minor called "New Minor Forcing".
It asks opener if he has 3 cards in the major that responder have bid.
If opener rebids responder's major, that means that, opener has at least 3 cards in that major.
1C-1S-1NT2D or 1D-1H-1NT2C
Below bids from either by opener or responder are limiting: a) Bidding previously bid suit b) Bidding NT You can also limit your hand at any level that will reflect your point range. It is your partner's duty to take the partnership to any contract after you showed your limit...
Minimum | 13-15 | 6-10 | Pass, bid NT or Rebid/raise previously bid suit |
Medium | 16-18 | 11-12 | Invite to game |
Maximum | 19-21 | 13-15 | Keep bidding open untill game |
Remember Hand Evaluation:
1- NT bids evaluated by HCP-High Card Points,
2- New suit bids evaluated by LENGTH Points: Add one point for each additonal card on 4th card.
3- When supporting partner we evaluate our hands with DUMMY Points: Void=5, singleton=3,dblton=1 point
OPENER'S actions with balanced hands :
13-14 HCP Open a suit and rebid 1NT
15-17 HCP Open 1NT
18-19 HCP Open a suit and rebid 2NT
20-21 HCP Open 2NT
22-24 HCP Open 2C and rebid 2NT
25-27 HCP Open 2C and rebid 3NT
Note: As you see, we don't open 3NT with 25-27 points. Instead, we open 2C and rebid 3NT...
OPENER'S actions after responder's forth suit
1- Raise responder's first suit with three-card support
2-Bid notrump with a stopper in the forth suit
3-Rebid a five*card or longer second suit
2 22 plus
2 NT 20-21
3 NT we use 2 for all hands above 22.. So its better not to use 3NT
With 0 to 7 HCP responder bids 2
Opener: With an unbalanced hand opener should bid 2 , 2 , 3 or 3 .
Opener: With a balanced hand opener should bid 2NT with 22-24 HCP or 3NT with 25-26 HCP.
Responder: After the 2NT rebid by opener, responder rebids just as if the opening bid were 2NT
With 8+ HCP responder bids a five-card or longer suit (2 , 2 , 3 or 3 ) or 2NT if balanced.
After interfrence to a 2 opening bid:
Pass: Neutral, game forcing. Shows 4+ points, denies good five-card or longer suit
Double: Artifical, negative. Shows 0-3 points.
New suit: GAme forcing, five-card or longer suit
If partner opens 2NT or opens 2 and rebids 2NT after a 2 response,
we can use similar methods to those after a 1NT opening bid:
3 Stayman
3 Transfer to hearts
3 Transfer to spades
3NT To play in game
4 Gerber (ace asking)
4NT Invitational to slam
6NT To play in slam
Simple Overcall at 1 level:7-17 Always overcall with 5 cards
Negative Doubles are employed through 3
� A weak jump overcall to the two level shows a hand similar to that for a weak two-bid:
a good six-card suit and fewer than 13 points.
� A weak jump overcall to the three level shows a hand similar to a three-level preemptive opening bid
� Don�t preempt against preempts. Don't make weak jump overcall, after opponet's weak opening bid.
� With a hand too strong for a simple overcall�about 18 or more points�start with a takeout double.
� Direct Cuebid is Michaels: A direct cue bid when the opponents have bid only one suit is Micheals Cue-bid
which describe two suited hand to your partner.
� UNUSUAL 2NT: The jump to 2NT over any bid of one-of-a-suit shows the two lower-ranking unbid suits
Advancing (Responding to) a Simple Overcall
� A jump raise is preemptive.
� A cuebid is forcing for one round.
� A new suit is non-forcing but constructive (invitational).
� A new suit is forcing (by an unpassed hand).
� A cuebid is forcing for one round.
� A raise to any level is a signoff and may be a further preempt.
With fewer than 10 points when partner overcalls at the one level:
� Jump to the three level with four-card support.
� Jump to the four level with five-card support.
� Balanced hand.
� 15-18 points.
� One or more stoppers in opponents' suit(s).
NOTE-1: A notrump overcall after a weak two-bid or three-bid shows about the same as a 1NT overcall, 15-18 points.
NOTE-2: Doubling and then bidding notrump shows a hand too strong to overcall 1NT, about 19-21 points.
3NT - To play
3/ - Slam invitational
3/ - Invitational, 6-card suit
2NT - Invitational
2 - Relay to 3 (to play in 3 or 3)
2 - Jacoby transfer to spades
2 - Jacoby transfer to hearts
2 - Stayman
Double is for penalty
A suit at the 2-level is natural and non-forcing
A suit at the 3-level is is natural and forcing
A cue-bid (a bid of the opponent's suit) askes if opener has a four card major- same as STAYMAN-
2NT is invitational
3NT is to play
A double of an opponent�s opening bid in a suit is for takeout.
Takeout double means "I have about an opening hand, I don't have many opponent's suit,
but I can support all of the unbid suits"
Value the hand for a takeout double using dummy points because,
� The double is asking partner to choose the trump suit, so the hand is likely to go
down on the table as the dummy.
� The shortness in the opponent�s suit will, hopefully, allow partner to ruff some
losers in that suit in the dummy.
Dummy Points for a Takeout Double
Void 5 points
Singleton 3 points
Doubleton 1 point
Responding to takeout doubles (Advancing):
1-If you have 4 cards in an unbid suit (prefer a major over a minor) and 0-8 pts, bid it
2-If you have 4 cards in an unbid suit (prefer a major over a minor) and 9-11 pts, jump in your suit.
(Ex: If you have this hand: Kx KQxx Qxx xxx, bid 2H if bidding goes:1C-Double(takeout)-pass-? )
3- If you have more than 11 pts, you can go either to game or cuebid the opponent's suit)
NT Responses to takeout doubles (Advancing in NT)
� With good cards in the opponent�s suit and no better option, advancer can bid
Advancing in Notrump
6 - 10 points: Bid notrump at the cheapest level.
11-12 points: Bid notrump, jumping one level.
13+ points: Bid game in notrump.
Takeout doubles also can be used to show a hand too strong for a simple overcall
With a hand too strong for a simple overcall, start with a takeout double.
� Bid again at the next opportunity to describe the true nature of the hand.
Say you are South and you have below hand:
A K 10 9
A Q J 9 6 5
When East opened 1, your best bid is "Double" with this hand.
Because, your partner can easily pass your 1 and you may miss 4
Quantitative Bids:
a. 1NT (or 2NT) � 4NT: asks partner to pass with a minimum or to bid 6NT with a maximum
b. 1NT (or 2NT) � 5NT: asks partner to bid 6NT with a minimum or to bid 7NT with a maximum
RKCB(Roman Key Card):0314
Used after 4NT which include five �key� cards: the four aces and the trump king
Keycard Responses to 4NT
5 0 or 3 key cards
5 1 or 4 key cards
5 2 or 5 key cards without the trump queen
5 2 or 5 key cards with the trump queen
Void showing bids � after 4NT:
a. 5NT shows an even number of key cards (or aces) with a useful void
b. 6x shown an odd number of key cards (or aces) with a useful void
c. 6 of the trump suit shows an odd number with a higher ranking void
4C is always GERBER if the first bid or last bid is NT:
samples:1H-1NT4C, 1NT-2C-2H4C, 1NT-2C-2D-4C
Responses to Gerber
4 0 or all 4 aces
4 1 ace
4 2 aces
4NT 3 aces
A bid of 5C after partner's response guarantees that your side has all of the aces and asks for kings. Again 5 is 0 or 4 kings... etc
� A direct cuebid of 2 or 2 shows 5+ cards in both majors.
� A direct cuebid of 2 shows 5+spades and 5+ clubs or diamonds.
� A direct cuebid of 2 shows 5+hearts and 5+ clubs or diamonds.
When partner makes a Michaels cuebid of 2 or 2, advancer�s bid of 2NT asks opener to bid the minor suit
Cappelletti convention is used for competing against opponents openining NT bid
1NT- Double Penalty. Strong hand 16-18 points.
1NT-2 Promises 1 suited hand. Responder responds with 2.
1NT-2 Promises both majors.
Responder bids major of preference..
1NT-2 Promises hearts and an unspecified minor.
If responder likes hearts he can pass, otherwise bid 2NT to ask partner to bid her minor .
1NT-2 Promises spades and an unspecified minor.
If responder likes spades he can pass, otherwise bid 2NT to ask partner to bid her minor .
1NT-2NT promises 5-5 in the minors
Splinter convention is used to show good trump support (4+ card) and a void or singleton..
A splinter is defined as Double Jump Shift into your void (or singleton).
For example, if partner opens 1, your 4 response is Splinter showing good trump support and void (or singleton) in diamonds.
You can use splinters if you have 13-16 points for game forcing or slam intrest..
jump to 2NT over any bid of
one-of-a-suit as unusual, showing
the two lower-ranking unbid suits.
1-2NT shows Hearts and diamonds
1-2NT shows Hearts and clubs
Opening lead vs. SUITS:
Lead the top of a doubleton-Lead the top of touching honors-Lead fourth best-low from three cards
KQx QJx J10x
KJ10x K109x  Q109x
x x x x x x x x x x x x A K x
Opening lead vs. NT:
Lead top of touching honors from a sequence:A solid sequence,broken sequence or interior
sequence- Otherwise, lead fourth highest:
A1098 QJ10x KQ109
KJ109 K1098 QJ10x
Q1098 J109x 1098x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Keep in mind that, Leading from a king is better than leading from a queen, which is better than leading from a jack. From AK lead A
� A high card is encouraging.
� A low card is discouraging
� High-low shows an even number.
� Low-high shows an odd number.
� A high card shows preference for
the �obvious� higher-ranking suit.
� A low card shows preference for
the �obvious� lower-ranking suit.
For planning suit contracts we have to concentrate on three steps:
1- Count losers..
2- Find ways (Ruffing, finessing and discarding ) for avoiding losers
3- Find the best order to play suits
Count losers by looking at one ceratin hand. This hand is called main hand.
The Main hand is the hand with more trumps. If trump lengths are same,
the main hand is the hand with the better trumps.
The Rules: 1-Ruff the main hand's losers in the other hand.
Try to AVOID RUFFS in main hand. 2-After drawing trumps, if only one trump missing and this is high trump, you should not draw it. |pg|| cs|3|nt|