Two clubs is strong, artificial and forcing. A forcing bid means that responder can NOT pass 2 opening. Responder's 2 response is negative or waiting.
5.1 Opening Of Strong 2C
All strong hands (22+ points) are opened 2.
Above hand opens 2.
Above hand also opens 2.
Also any good playing hand (able to make at least 9 tricks) with a very good suit can be opened 2.
5.2 Responding to Strong 2C
5.2.1 Responder's "Negative or Waiting" Bids
Responder bids 2 (negative or waiting) with almost all other hands than below natural bids..
5.2.2 Responder's Strong Responses
Responder bids 2 or 2 with 5+ card suit with two of top three honors and at least 8 HCP
Responder bids 3 or 3 with 6+ card suit with two of top three honors and at least 8 HCP
5.3 Rebids by 2C Opener
5.3.1 Rebids After Responder's 2D Response Rebids With Balanced Hands
The level of the no trump rebids depends on the number of his points.
2 NT
3 NT
4 NT
A K Q K Q 4 A K 7 2 K Q 5
After 2C opener's 2NT or 3NT rebid all sytems are on. This means that responder's
3 is Stayman 3 is transfer to heart 3 is transfer to spade 3 is transfer to minors 3NT to play 4 Gerber
After 2C, opener's 4NT shows 28-30 points, responder's 5+ points is enough for slam. So, responder must not use above conventions after 4NT...
Opener's Rebids With Unbalanced Hands
Opener rebids 2 or 2 with 5+ card suit.
Opener rebids 3 or 3 with 6+ card suit( Rarely 5)
Opener rebids 3 or 3 with 6+ card suit with two of top three honors
A K Q J 6 A 4 A K 7 2 Q 5
West opens 2, East makes 2 negative (or waiting) response. Then, West rebids 2 to show his 5-carded suit. Now responder will bid the cheapest minor (in this case 3) that he is REAL negative..
Note: As you noticed in our system 2 is first negative bid and cheapest minor after opener's response is second negative bid. In order to rectify this some partners uses 2 response to 2 opening as real negative (0-4 points). In that convention, 2NT bid by responder replaces 2 response in our system....
5.3.2 Rebids After Responder's Strong Responses Responder can make any bid other than 2 if she has 8+ points.. Opener with 22+ points Responder with 8+ points Description 2 2 2 response over 2 opening shows 5+ card suit with two of the top three honors and at least 8 points. Opener's rebid: If you have a long, strong suit bid it at the lowest level. With support to your partner raise her 1 level. Without support bid NT. Level of NT must be appropriate to your points.. 2 2 2 response over 2 opening shows 5+ card suit with two of the top three honors and at least 8 points. Opener's rebid: If you have a long, strong suit bid it at the lowest level. With support to your partner raise her 1 level. Without support bid NT. Level of NT must be appropriate to your points.. 2 2 NT 2 NT response over 2 opening shows a balanced hand and 8+ points. Opener's rebid: If you have a long, strong suit bid it at the lowest level..If you have a balanced hand, bid 3 NT with 22 points, bid 4 NT with 23-24 points bid 6 NT with 25-28 points bid 7 NT with 29+ points 2 3 3 response over 2 opening shows 6+ cards strong diamond suit and 8+ points. Opener's rebid: If you have a long, strong suit bid it at the lowest level. With support to your partner raise her 1 level. Without support bid NT. Level of NT must be appropriate to your points.. 2 3 3 response over 2 opening shows 6+ cards strong club suit and 8+ points. Opener's rebid: If you have a long, strong suit bid it at the lowest level. With support to your partner raise her 1 level. Without support bid NT. Level of NT must be appropriate to your points.. Example: A Q J Q 9 4 A K 7 2 A Q 5 9 6 A K 8 5 3 Q 9 6 J 7 4 2 2 response from East toWest's 2 opening is a positive response. East has 5+ cards heart suit and 8+ points. 5.4 Rebids by Responder If 2 was "Waiting" Responder's rebids depend on opener's rebids.. If opener's rebid is 2NT or 3NT, responder can use Stayman or transfer conventions to find the best contract with game points. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid 3NT with 2-4 points.. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid "Pass" with less than 2 points.. If opener's rebid is in a suit, responder bids 2NT without support.. If 2 was "Negative" Suppose you have this hand 54 543 5432 5432 Partner opened 2C, you responded 2D and opener rebid 2S.. What will be your response as responder? Pass : Partner can be able to make a game alone.. Your pass will prevent it.. 3S : Partner can jump to Slam or game after 3S 2NT : 2NT with this hand! you are kidding!... So, Convention makers invented "second negative" convention to help the people who are suffering with a real negative hand like above.. Any cheapest minor suit by responder is second negative after 2D response.... like 2C-2D-2S-3C or, 2C-2D-3C-3D or, 2C-2D-2H-3C etc... Sample K 9 5 A K J 10 8 7 4 A K Q -- 3 2 5 3 J 9 6 5 3 9 6 5 4 W N E S 2C P 2D P 2H P 3C P 4H All Pass
Responder can make any bid other than 2 if she has 8+ points..
A Q J Q 9 4 A K 7 2 A Q 5
2 response from East toWest's 2 opening is a positive response. East has 5+ cards heart suit and 8+ points.
5.4 Rebids by Responder If 2 was "Waiting" Responder's rebids depend on opener's rebids.. If opener's rebid is 2NT or 3NT, responder can use Stayman or transfer conventions to find the best contract with game points. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid 3NT with 2-4 points.. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid "Pass" with less than 2 points.. If opener's rebid is in a suit, responder bids 2NT without support.. If 2 was "Negative" Suppose you have this hand 54 543 5432 5432 Partner opened 2C, you responded 2D and opener rebid 2S.. What will be your response as responder? Pass : Partner can be able to make a game alone.. Your pass will prevent it.. 3S : Partner can jump to Slam or game after 3S 2NT : 2NT with this hand! you are kidding!... So, Convention makers invented "second negative" convention to help the people who are suffering with a real negative hand like above.. Any cheapest minor suit by responder is second negative after 2D response.... like 2C-2D-2S-3C or, 2C-2D-3C-3D or, 2C-2D-2H-3C etc... Sample K 9 5 A K J 10 8 7 4 A K Q -- 3 2 5 3 J 9 6 5 3 9 6 5 4 W N E S 2C P 2D P 2H P 3C P 4H All Pass
If 2 was "Waiting"
Responder's rebids depend on opener's rebids.. If opener's rebid is 2NT or 3NT, responder can use Stayman or transfer conventions to find the best contract with game points. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid 3NT with 2-4 points.. If opener's rebid is 2NT, responder can bid "Pass" with less than 2 points..
If opener's rebid is in a suit, responder bids 2NT without support..
If 2 was "Negative"
K 9 5 A K J 10 8 7 4 A K Q --