9.11 Signaling  
Always send right signals.








South is declarer


When West leads A, East must play 8(high card) to show his partner that he liked the suit (because he has queen)


South is declarer




When West leads A, East mustplay 4 (low card) to show his partner that he didn't like the suit (because he doesn't have queen. It is better if East lead the suit later)



South is declarer and contract is 2




West  played A, dummy played low,  East played  4.. When west palyed the king, East palyed 3 (a high-low card which indicates even number of cards).. Now, West must decide on even number of cards (4 or 2) in partner's hand..









Declarer =South
Contract =3
Op. lead =A
J 7 2
J 8 4 
K Q J 2
J 8 5 

A Q 6 5
9 3
4 3
A K 9 6 3

10 9 8 4
A 6 5
9 8 7 5
10 4


K 3
K Q 7 10 2
A 10 6
Q 7 2 


Signaling is used by defenders to send a message to his partner. Every partnership can create their own signals. But, there are three types of signals universally accepted:

1- Signals that carry mesage about the attitude.
2- Signals that carry mesage about the count.
3- Signals that carry mesage about the suit-preference.



Attitude indicates your feelings about the suit being led:

You follow with a high card if you like the suit lead.

You follow with a low card if you don'tlike the suit lead.



Count indicates the number of your cards in the suit being led.

You follow with a high card then low if you have even number of cards in a suit being led..

You follow with a low card then high if you have odd number of cards in a suit being led..

You can not use both attitude type and count type signals together: You must be agreed on one of them..


Suit preference indcates your preference for one of the two suits outside the trump suit and the suit being led.

A high card shows a preference for the higher ranking suit outside the trump suit and the suit being led.

A low card shows a preference for the lower ranking suit outside the trump suit and the suit being led. 

You can show your suit preference when you are about to give partner a ruff.

The hand diagram at the left is an example of suit preference:

West leads A, East plays 10 indicating even number (two) of cards. West follows with K, East plays 4. Now, West is about to give partne a ruff. So,

West's lead of 9 shows his preference to spades (It is the case here), West's lead of 3 shows his preference to diamonds.